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Saturday, 27 April 2019
Thursday, 7 December 2017
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
Here we’ll talk about why music gives you Goosebumps. Though researchers don’t know the exact reason behind this body reaction, but it is believed that music is a kind of melodious piece and a cause dopamine to flood the part of the brain that’s inspired by motivation and addiction.
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
While we’re listening music, we experience that we can imagine only and this kind of emotion-regulating chemical makes the listener feel the CHILLS. Many of the people experience such sensations and most people don’t.
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
Do you know what chills are about? Chills are a form of frisson and frisson is a sensation which is not much different from shivering. Music has the power to trigger FRISSON. Music is one of the most relaxing things in the world. Music heals everything. It has long been used in healing the pain around the world.
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
If it happens to you during listening music, means you have special powers in you
Those people who get shiver when music is played, has smarter brain. Their brain works more frequently than others who don’t. They are more emotional type of person and feel everything happening around them.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Skincare tips for winter days
How to keep your skin glowing in winter
Hydrate: In winter, your skin needs extra moisturiser. Hydrate your body and keep your skin well moisturised by drinking plenty of fluids and eating food that has high water content. Apply good-quality moisturiser on your skin and oil your body well.
Vitamin rich diet: Make sure to add vitamin A and vitamin E rich food in your meal plan. Vitamin-rich food not only make your skin glow but also keep you healthy and protect you from common ailments.
Avoid hot bath: Hot water baths take out the moisture from the skin. Avoid them. Take bath with lukewarm water and protect your skin from dryness.
Safety clothes: Wear clothes that cover your body well. The skin, when exposed to cold air, dries and chaps easily.
Use aloe vera extract: Natural gel directly extracted from aloe vera leaf if applied for half an hour before bath moisturise the skin from deep inside, leaving it smooth and vibrant.
Avoid high-alcohol product: Avoid make up products with high alcohol content, as it tends to dry up the skin.
Exfoliate: Exfoliate your skin with vitamin C rich lemon juice. The citric acid in the juice will remove the dryness as well as the darkness often caused by the sun during winter. It will also renew the skin cells, making it glow.
Home-made face packs: Soaked almond paste combined with raw milk, lemon juice and gram flour; oatmeal paste combined with lemon juice; ripe papaya paste and buttermilk face packs are perfect for winter glow.
Avoid face scrubs: Avoid frequent face scrubs as it may dry up the skin
Avoid junk food: Avoid eating sugary and junk food, as they are unhealthy food which dark effects show up on the skin.
A wide array of winter skincare products is available in the market, but some may not suit your skin. So, try these home remedies and keep your skin moisturised and glowing throughout the winter season.
Hydrate: In winter, your skin needs extra moisturiser. Hydrate your body and keep your skin well moisturised by drinking plenty of fluids and eating food that has high water content. Apply good-quality moisturiser on your skin and oil your body well.
Vitamin rich diet: Make sure to add vitamin A and vitamin E rich food in your meal plan. Vitamin-rich food not only make your skin glow but also keep you healthy and protect you from common ailments.
Avoid hot bath: Hot water baths take out the moisture from the skin. Avoid them. Take bath with lukewarm water and protect your skin from dryness.
Safety clothes: Wear clothes that cover your body well. The skin, when exposed to cold air, dries and chaps easily.
Use aloe vera extract: Natural gel directly extracted from aloe vera leaf if applied for half an hour before bath moisturise the skin from deep inside, leaving it smooth and vibrant.
Avoid high-alcohol product: Avoid make up products with high alcohol content, as it tends to dry up the skin.
Exfoliate: Exfoliate your skin with vitamin C rich lemon juice. The citric acid in the juice will remove the dryness as well as the darkness often caused by the sun during winter. It will also renew the skin cells, making it glow.
Home-made face packs: Soaked almond paste combined with raw milk, lemon juice and gram flour; oatmeal paste combined with lemon juice; ripe papaya paste and buttermilk face packs are perfect for winter glow.
Avoid face scrubs: Avoid frequent face scrubs as it may dry up the skin
Avoid junk food: Avoid eating sugary and junk food, as they are unhealthy food which dark effects show up on the skin.
A wide array of winter skincare products is available in the market, but some may not suit your skin. So, try these home remedies and keep your skin moisturised and glowing throughout the winter season.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Drinking coffee can reduce diabetes risk
The medicine that can delay your diabetes is right on your coffee table.
‘Cafestol’, a bioactive substance found in coffee, could help delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes, improve cell function and insulin sensitivity in laboratory mice, according to a study carried out by a team of scientists in Denmark.
This is yet another research finding that has driven coffee from its universal role as a breakfast beverage into the list of items that can be recommended for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Recently researchers at the University of Southern California in the US — in a study of more than 180,000 participants — found that drinking coffee could lead to a longer life.
Researchers have also earlier identified substances in coffee that could help reduce the risk of developing diabetes but ‘cafestol’ is one substance that has so far been untested.
The researchers wanted to see if ‘cafestol’ would help prevent or delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes in mice. The findings have been reported in the American Chemical Society Journal of Natural Products.
According to the authors, “the finding could spur the development of new drugs to treat or even prevent the disease”.
For their study, the scientists chose a model of mice — called KKAy mice — that are prone to develop diabetes. Forty-seven male mice were randomly divided into two groups — treatment and control groups.
While all the mice consumed normal diet, the mice in the treatment group were fed daily with ‘cafestol’ for 10 weeks. The animals in the control group were not given ‘cafestol’.
At the end, blood samples for fasting glucose, glucagon and insulin as well as liver, muscle and fat tissues for gene expression analysis were collected.
The researchers isolated islets of Langerhans — which produce insulin — and measured their insulin secretory capacity.
“After 10 weeks of intervention, fasting plasma glucose was 28-30% lower in ‘cafestol’ group compared with the control group,” the researchers report.
“Fasting glucagon was 20% lower and insulin sensitivity improved by 42% in the high-cafestol group. Cafestol increased insulin secretion from isolated islets by 75-87% compared to the control group.”
The researchers conclude their results show that cafestol possesses anti-diabetic properties in mice.
“Consequently, cafestol may contribute to the reduced risk of developing Type-2 diabetes in coffee consumers and is a good candidate for drug development to treat or prevent the disease in humans.”
‘Cafestol’, a bioactive substance found in coffee, could help delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes, improve cell function and insulin sensitivity in laboratory mice, according to a study carried out by a team of scientists in Denmark.
This is yet another research finding that has driven coffee from its universal role as a breakfast beverage into the list of items that can be recommended for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Recently researchers at the University of Southern California in the US — in a study of more than 180,000 participants — found that drinking coffee could lead to a longer life.
Researchers have also earlier identified substances in coffee that could help reduce the risk of developing diabetes but ‘cafestol’ is one substance that has so far been untested.
The researchers wanted to see if ‘cafestol’ would help prevent or delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes in mice. The findings have been reported in the American Chemical Society Journal of Natural Products.
According to the authors, “the finding could spur the development of new drugs to treat or even prevent the disease”.
For their study, the scientists chose a model of mice — called KKAy mice — that are prone to develop diabetes. Forty-seven male mice were randomly divided into two groups — treatment and control groups.
While all the mice consumed normal diet, the mice in the treatment group were fed daily with ‘cafestol’ for 10 weeks. The animals in the control group were not given ‘cafestol’.
At the end, blood samples for fasting glucose, glucagon and insulin as well as liver, muscle and fat tissues for gene expression analysis were collected.
The researchers isolated islets of Langerhans — which produce insulin — and measured their insulin secretory capacity.
“After 10 weeks of intervention, fasting plasma glucose was 28-30% lower in ‘cafestol’ group compared with the control group,” the researchers report.
“Fasting glucagon was 20% lower and insulin sensitivity improved by 42% in the high-cafestol group. Cafestol increased insulin secretion from isolated islets by 75-87% compared to the control group.”
The researchers conclude their results show that cafestol possesses anti-diabetic properties in mice.
“Consequently, cafestol may contribute to the reduced risk of developing Type-2 diabetes in coffee consumers and is a good candidate for drug development to treat or prevent the disease in humans.”
Friday, 20 October 2017
Eat These 6 Foods to Stop Hair Fall
Here are six nutrient-rich foods that are known to stay your hair healthy and will stop hair fall once consumed often.Embrace these foods for hair grow in your daily diet and see the difference.
Vitamin C prevents your hair from turning into brittle and fragile and guavas contain a lot of Vitamin C than oranges! Rather like the fruit, the leaves too contain vitamin B and C that facilitate boost scleroprotein activity needed for hair growth.
Carrots aren’t only good for your eyes, however, they work surprise for your hair too. They’re full of vitamin A that acts as a natural conditioner and prevents your hair from break. Sweet potato is another nice supply to derive vitamin A.
While external factors like sun exposure, pollution and regular use of the chemical product could harm your hair, a poor diet is that the commonest reason for hair falls. So, make certain you embrace these nutrients in your daily diet. These foods will facilitate stop hair fall and provides you longer and stronger hair.
Add some walnuts to your diet to prevent hair fall. It’s the solely known nut that contains biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6, and B9), Vitamin E, lots of protein and magnesium, all of that strengthen hair cuticles and nourish the scalp.
Lentils are loaded with protein, iron, zinc, and biotin that are all essential nutrients for your hair. Besides this, lentils are filled with folic acid that is important for restoring the health of red blood cells that provide the skin and scalp with much-needed oxygen and therefore, build your hair stronger and stop the break.
5.Eggs and Dairy Products:
Eggs and farm product are nice foods for hair growth and thickness. Milk, yoghurt and eggs are loaded with essential nutrients like proteins, vitamin B12, iron, Zn and Omega 6 fatty acids. Farm product also is a good supply of biotin (Vitamin B7) that’s known to fight hair loss.
Your hair is created from protein and then intake a diet wealthy in high-quality, present protein will very facilitate. If you are a vegetarian, you’ll be able to communicate curd and peanuts to promote hair health.
This Line on your Hand can say more about your Life and Personality!
The reading of our hands is an art that has been known for centuries. It can say who we really are.
A. If your heart line starts below the middle finger, it means you are a born leader. You are independent, ambition and intelligence. You are determined and some may take you as an insensitive and cold person.
B. If your heart line runs between the middle and index fingers, it means that you are caring, friendly and kind. You treat people with respect and others can always rely on you.
C. If your heart line starts under the index finger, it means that you have the same characteristics as the person described in the first category.
D. If your heart line starts between your index finger and your thumb, then you are a patient, affectionate and caring person.
Does the line match your personality??
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Benefit of growing height
Height is often associated with a good personality. We envy people who have a good height.
foods to increase height
Some people are genetically gifted with a good height. Though this factor is hereditary, people often wish they could increase their heights.
Science tells us that humans stop growing taller when they reach 18 years of age. But the human body secretes the human growth hormone throughout its lifetime. This hormone is what is responsible for our height increase.
This hormone is secreted by the pituitary glands. It is said that one can increase the height of the body by maintaining a fit and active lifestyle.
Exercise and a healthy diet often help in increasing your height. There are certain foods which especially help with this.
So make sure you include the following top foods which will help you in reaching your goal.
Beans are rich in vitamins and proteins which are a major factor in increasing your height. The mineral content in the beans also help in the building of tissues and muscles, which increases height naturally.
Peas are full of various vitamins and minerals which propagate height increase. Peas are also known to contain a few growth-stimulating hormones.
Broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin C, fibre and iron. It helps in the proper functioning of the body and helps stimulate growth hormones.
Turnips are often not eaten in our country but they are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Here is another reason why you should include them in your diet. They are known to regulate the growth hormones in our body, which in turn help in increasing height.
Cow Milk:
Milk, especially pure cow milk is rich in calcium. As calcium is an important component which makes up our bones, it helps in the development and maintenance of strong bones.
The vitamin A content in the milk also helps in preserving the calcium in the body and helps the body utilize it in a maximum way. Calcium is considered as one of the best natural height booster.
Fruits like grapefruit, papaya, mango, apricots and passion fruit are rich in vitamins, potassium, fibre and folates. All these nutrients help in healthy growth of bones and promote height growth as well.
Jaggery+Milk On An Empty Stomach:
This is a super potent combination. Milk is already a super food in increasing height. Combining it with raw and organic jaggery will increase its effectiveness by tenfolds. Drinking this combination on an empty stomach will make sure that all the nutrients are easily absorbed by the body.
Black Til+ Almonds+ Ashwagandha With Milk:
Ashwagandha is known to maintain the proper secretion of HGH in our body. That is why it is very effective in height increase. It is also known to improve bone health and density.
Black sesame seeds are power packed with anti-oxidants and vitamin B and iron. Also, a good source of calcium, they help in maintaining and developing bone health.
Almonds are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are essential minerals for bone growth. All these ingredients combined with milk are sure to increase your height.
Mix a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, almond powder and black til with warm milk and consume it every night before going to bed.
Soya Beans:
The proteins present in soya beans are known to improve bone and tissue density which is essential for their growth. When consumed on a daily basis, they keep your bones in good shape and help in their healthy development. In order to increase the height intake of 50 grams of soybeans are recommended every day.
Nuts are healthy and tasty snacks which are also high on nutrition. The vitamins, minerals and amino acids present in them will help repair body tissues and promote growth of new bones and muscles and thus promote height increase.
Leafy Green Vegetables:
You will find these in every healthy food list. Healthy greens are good to us in ways uncountable. They are rich in diet fibre and vitamins and mineral which promote good health. They also help in stimulating the growth hormones in the body, which in turn will increase your height.
foods to increase height
Some people are genetically gifted with a good height. Though this factor is hereditary, people often wish they could increase their heights.
Science tells us that humans stop growing taller when they reach 18 years of age. But the human body secretes the human growth hormone throughout its lifetime. This hormone is what is responsible for our height increase.
This hormone is secreted by the pituitary glands. It is said that one can increase the height of the body by maintaining a fit and active lifestyle.
Exercise and a healthy diet often help in increasing your height. There are certain foods which especially help with this.
So make sure you include the following top foods which will help you in reaching your goal.
Beans are rich in vitamins and proteins which are a major factor in increasing your height. The mineral content in the beans also help in the building of tissues and muscles, which increases height naturally.
Peas are full of various vitamins and minerals which propagate height increase. Peas are also known to contain a few growth-stimulating hormones.
Broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin C, fibre and iron. It helps in the proper functioning of the body and helps stimulate growth hormones.
Turnips are often not eaten in our country but they are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Here is another reason why you should include them in your diet. They are known to regulate the growth hormones in our body, which in turn help in increasing height.
Cow Milk:
Milk, especially pure cow milk is rich in calcium. As calcium is an important component which makes up our bones, it helps in the development and maintenance of strong bones.
The vitamin A content in the milk also helps in preserving the calcium in the body and helps the body utilize it in a maximum way. Calcium is considered as one of the best natural height booster.
Fruits like grapefruit, papaya, mango, apricots and passion fruit are rich in vitamins, potassium, fibre and folates. All these nutrients help in healthy growth of bones and promote height growth as well.
Jaggery+Milk On An Empty Stomach:
This is a super potent combination. Milk is already a super food in increasing height. Combining it with raw and organic jaggery will increase its effectiveness by tenfolds. Drinking this combination on an empty stomach will make sure that all the nutrients are easily absorbed by the body.
Black Til+ Almonds+ Ashwagandha With Milk:
Ashwagandha is known to maintain the proper secretion of HGH in our body. That is why it is very effective in height increase. It is also known to improve bone health and density.
Black sesame seeds are power packed with anti-oxidants and vitamin B and iron. Also, a good source of calcium, they help in maintaining and developing bone health.
Almonds are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are essential minerals for bone growth. All these ingredients combined with milk are sure to increase your height.
Mix a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, almond powder and black til with warm milk and consume it every night before going to bed.
Soya Beans:
The proteins present in soya beans are known to improve bone and tissue density which is essential for their growth. When consumed on a daily basis, they keep your bones in good shape and help in their healthy development. In order to increase the height intake of 50 grams of soybeans are recommended every day.
Nuts are healthy and tasty snacks which are also high on nutrition. The vitamins, minerals and amino acids present in them will help repair body tissues and promote growth of new bones and muscles and thus promote height increase.
Leafy Green Vegetables:
You will find these in every healthy food list. Healthy greens are good to us in ways uncountable. They are rich in diet fibre and vitamins and mineral which promote good health. They also help in stimulating the growth hormones in the body, which in turn will increase your height.
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